Sensible Biotherapeutics Radiopharmaceutical Division
Sensible Biotherapeutics is in development of a tabletop device that is capable of synthesizing small quantities of the positron emitting radionuclide 18F (fluorine 18) which can then be used to synthesize clinically useful quantities of 18F-FDG for use in PET imaging.
Successful production of 18F using this technique has been tested and verified for carrying the synthesis by Oak Ridge National Laboratory in collaboration with Dr. Michael A. Meyer. A new modification that could greatly enhance the isotope yield is under review by a large international US-based company for potential collaboration with Sensible Biotherapeutics.
This invention will dramatically increase access to PET imaging and will be of particular use to underdeveloped countries and areas that do not currently have access. Led by Nuclear Medicine Physician Dr. Michael A. Meyer, Sensible Biotherapeutics continues to actively develop this invention.
To learn more about this invention, please contact us at